What are the Signs of Parental Alienation?

Using alienation tactics is one way that an ex can take out their anger or jealousy towards their ex or the parent of their child. Being aware of what is happening is the first step to reversing the alienation. Once you are aware seek assistance from an Atlanta divorce attorney to help investigate your case. There are warning signs that you should look for from your child, including:

  • Random anger towards you
  • Your child distancing themselves from you
  • A lack of communication between you and your child
  • Noticeable emotional detachment between you and your child

Oftentimes it can be difficult to notice if your child is emotionally detached or angry because children go through moods constantly. If you see changes in personality just look for certain attitude changes that the child directs towards you. If your child is always telling you to leave them alone that can be a sign of animosity that they have towards you. Another attitude habit to look out for is it they are constantly telling you that things are your fault and blaming you for everything wrong in their life and the broken up family. This can be a sign that your ex has told your child that you are to blame for the flaws and separation. If your child is continuously agreeing with everything your ex says that could be a sign of coaching and if you question the influence the ex is having on your child it is common for the child to immediately deny it. The denial of influence can also be coached so it is really important to notice statements that seem to be "parroted" from the ex.

Do you believe your child may be a victim of parental alienation? Obtain an attorney as soon as possible because this mentally abusive state is not healthy for your child. An Atlanta divorce lawyer may be able to help you file for a modification of your custody orders to help stop the occurrence of alienation. Contact Stadler Law Group, LLC06 today to schedule a consultation.

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