August 2018 Archives

Child support dispute among high profile couple makes headlines

When parents decide to end a marriage, they are technically no longer obligated to each other. However, parents always have an obligation to their children, even financially. These days, it often takes incomes of both parents to economically meet the needs of children. In Georgia, noncustodial parents are often required to pay child support to custodial parents to ensure that children are supported financially. It is common for discrepancies and disagreements to arise regarding these payments, even with celebrity parents.

Student loans can be a contributing factor in divorce

Marriage is a job within itself without the added worry about new careers and finances. Young married couples today face new money problems that were not as widespread in previous generations. Recent surveys of divorced millennials cite student loan balances as a common cause for many of their marriages ending. In Georgia and elsewhere, high student loan debt is a financial stressor for many couples and is said to be a contributing factor in many a divorce.

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