Dads: Custody rights are shared in 2018

Dads often worry about losing their children in divorce, but in 2018, it's not as much of a risk as it once was. Mothers and fathers share many of the responsibilities at home, and that includes child rearing. It's no longer the case that the man goes to work while his wife stays at home to watch the children. Times have changed, and that gives you a better chance of obtaining a fair share of custody.

It's common for parents to share custody in today's world. Mothers and fathers have equal legal standing in all cases, which means you have as much of a right to custody as the mother of your children.

What can you do to obtain custody of your children?

The first thing you should remember is that, barring any unusual circumstances, both you and your spouse are entitled to care for your children. While you may want full custody, you'll need a very good reason to limit the other parent's contact. For example, if you want to have sole custody because the other parent is abusive, you'll want to obtain as much information to prove that as possible. Making baseless allegations is a good way for the judge to look poorly on your behavior.

You must also make sure to show how much you participate in your children's lives. Judges want to see parents who are active in their children's affairs. That means helping raise your children, playing with them and being generally invested in their well-being.

Should you go to court to work out your child custody concerns?

Usually, it's a better idea to go through mediation or to negotiate directly with your spouse. If you go to court and allow a judge to decide on custody terms, you may not like the arrangements that are made. It's much better for you, your children and the other parent if you can come up with a custody and visitation schedule that works for your specific situation. There are many kinds of custody arrangements, from having custody only on weekends to sharing custody every other week.

If you and your spouse can't come to an agreement but are willing to work together, consider heading to mediation. A mediator will help you come to a mutual agreement about the best custody plan for your situation. The mediator's help is not binding in any way, so many couples find it helpful to work through their problems with a mediator before creating a plan for their children.

Remember, as a father, you have a right to see your children in most circumstances. Don't be afraid to ask for the type of custody arrangement you want. You may be able to obtain it.

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