June 2013 Archives

What Does the Court Look For When Determining Custody?

When going through a divorce, child custody is one issue that will need to be negotiated and decided upon. If the parents cannot come to an agreement, the court will make a decision regarding the custody of the child or children. In order to make sure that your wants and needs are fought for in court, obtain the help of an Atlanta divorce attorney. The main concern of the court is the best interests of the child and they make their decision accordingly. In order to come to the conclusion of the best interest of the child, the court will look into all of the following factors:

How Will Property Division Be Determined?

When going through a divorce the division of property is one of the most complex parts of the process. The first step will be dividing up marital property form personal property. Georgia is not a state with community property laws, there is an equitable distribution method of dividing property. In order to make sure you are treated fairly in the division of property in your divorce team up with an Atlanta divorce attorney as soon as possible. The division of marital property and personal property follows this breakdown pattern:

What are the Signs of Parental Alienation?

Using alienation tactics is one way that an ex can take out their anger or jealousy towards their ex or the parent of their child. Being aware of what is happening is the first step to reversing the alienation. Once you are aware seek assistance from an Atlanta divorce attorney to help investigate your case. There are warning signs that you should look for from your child, including:

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