July 2013 Archives

Various Possible Child Custody Orders in GA

A child custody order will determine which parent will have physical and legal custody of the child. Generally both types of custody will be shared in some way unless one parent is deemed unfit to have custody of the child. Legal custody gives the parent the right to make decisions in the child's life. Joint legal custody requires parents to work together with these decisions, but one parent will have final decision-making rights regarding medical, religious and education decisions. Physical custody dictates which parent the child will live with. Commonly parents receive joint physical custody where they share equal time with the child.

Completing a Divorce Agreement Quickly and Outside of Court

Going through a divorce can be emotionally draining and stressful. In order to make the process as quick and easy as possible, consider an uncontested divorce or negotiating a settlement agreement. An uncontested divorce requires both parties to cooperate and agree over all divorce issues. While this may prove to be impossible for some spouses, if you are able to maintain an amicable relationship, the process can be much less overwhelming and time consuming. In order to complete an uncontested divorce, you will need to come to an agreement on matters including: child custody, child support, spousal support/ alimony, property division, debt division and all other issues in your divorce. If you are able to agree through negotiations, a marital settlement agreement can be made and signed by the court.

How Can I Make The Divorce Process Easier For My Children?

Going through a divorce can be an emotional roller coaster for both parents and the children involved. As divorce lawyers, we are often asked how to help children adapt and get through the divorce as easily as possible. We wanted to provide some helpful tips for you to help keep the divorce positive and avoid a large mess. If you are already struggling with a messy divorce situation, contact an Atlanta divorce attorney from our firm for help. One of the most important aspects of a divorce is having support and making it so the children do not feel abandoned. Maintaining support is crucial, visits from other family members or family friends will show the children that they aren't losing people close to them.

Details of Post- Divorce Litigation

Oftentimes changes happen after divorce orders are made. While orders may have been suitable for both parties at the time of a divorce, life happens and situations change. It may be necessary for the divorced couple to modify their divorce decree later down the road. Post-divorce litigation is the dispute resolution method that is commonly used to make these sort of modifications. In order to make sure that your needs and wants are fought for in your litigation, retain the help of an Atlanta divorce lawyer. In order for this litigation to take place, the parties will need to provide proof of a substantial change requiring a decree modification. Examples of situations that may qualify for post-divorce litigation include:

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