Completing a Divorce Agreement Quickly and Outside of Court

Going through a divorce can be emotionally draining and stressful. In order to make the process as quick and easy as possible, consider an uncontested divorce or negotiating a settlement agreement. An uncontested divorce requires both parties to cooperate and agree over all divorce issues. While this may prove to be impossible for some spouses, if you are able to maintain an amicable relationship, the process can be much less overwhelming and time consuming. In order to complete an uncontested divorce, you will need to come to an agreement on matters including: child custody, child support, spousal support/ alimony, property division, debt division and all other issues in your divorce. If you are able to agree through negotiations, a marital settlement agreement can be made and signed by the court.

It is wise to have the help of a skilled Atlanta divorce attorney who is familiar with this type of divorce. You and your spouse can use a mediator, a neutral third party, to guide the decision making process. Or another option is for you and your spouse to both hire lawyers and go through a collaborative divorce wherein the four of you negotiate a settlement. The process to negotiate a settlement agreement in the state of Georgia, you will have to complete all of the following steps:

  1. Draft a complaint
  2. File the complaint document to the local Superior Court
  3. File your agreements
  4. Wait for the court to review the documents
  5. Appear at a final hearing

This is one option for a quick and cost-efficient method. When going through an uncontested divorce, you most likely will not have to appear in court at all. The judge oftentimes allows you to submit a motion to request a final decree of divorce rather than appearing in court. Some judges may require a hearing just to confirm the facts in the final order but this generally is not necessary. If you are looking for a quick way to complete a divorce while staying outside of court, contact an Atlanta divorce lawyer from Stadler Law Group, LLC to help!

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