Child custody proceedings during a divorce can be one of the most stressful times in a father's life. Only 40 percent of states give parents equal time with their children. A new report shows that several states across the country give dads less than 25 percent of equal time with their children. Georgia weighed in at number 46, with 23.5 percent. Results also showed that 20 states were tied for the number one spot, winning 50 percent of equal parenting time in child custody cases.
Grandparents gain child custody in the opioid epidemic
Across the nation, 2.6 million grandparents have assumed the role of parent and are raising their grandchildren. Studies show that older relatives are stepping up to the plate to become primary caregivers, and the number of "grandfamilies" has shown a steady increase of 7 percent in five years. Experts in Georgia and elsewhere say the reason many grandparents gain child custody is due to the opioid epidemic.