May 2018 Archives

Drug addiction, prison and women's child custody rights

The opioid addiction is landing more women behind bars, with many cycling in and out of prison multiple times for violations related to drug addiction. All across the country, families are being torn apart, incarceration rates are skyrocketing and treatment centers are being forced to close because of lack of money. In Georgia and other states, child custody rights are severed because of substance abuse.

How to establish paternity as an unmarried father in Georgia

Having a child is one of the most incredible experiences you can have. For most people, a child is a source of joy and motivation in early and middle life, as well as a source of support and care in the later stages of life. Becoming a father can transform you and make you a better person. However, if you aren't married to the mother of your child, things can quickly become complicated.

Man pleads guilty to $500k child support bill

A man indicted for failure to pay support for his children since 1998 has pleaded guilty in a U.S. District Court. He was arrested in Canada living under an assumed name and extradited back to the U.S. In Georgia and elsewhere, child support is to be paid by non-custodial parents for the support of their minor children.

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