Fathers' rights group offers support in custody battles

Parents involved in tedious and difficult custody battles rarely have the support they need to see them through the legal process. Fathers in Georgia are making it their mission to see that others are educated about their parental rights. Fighting for Fathers, a fathers' rights group founded in 2010, focuses on paternal rights, custody agreement preparations and paternal reform to help fathers become more prepared to fight for the custody of their children.

The group stresses the importance of having support to navigate the legal system along with emotional backing throughout the often long and drawn-out process. FFF also focuses on mentoring fathers who are not only trying to obtain custody of their children but are working to become better parents. The organization uses social media to connect with other fathers in order to share experiences and offer support.

The goal is to create a network of fathers who have gained experience and knowledge through personal journeys. Having members who can reflect about personal struggles during their custody cases will provide a network of guidance and emotional support, and fathers currently dealing with custody issues can weigh in on what they are going through. The group also provides help with paperwork and legal costs along the way.

Child custody battles can take a toll on everyone involved. It can become an uphill emotional battle when no one is there to advise or educate fathers about their rights. In Georgia, it may be wise to seek the advice of a dedicated and capable attorney who can inform a client about his fathers' rights while helping him make sound decisions regarding child custody matters.

Source: thechampionnewspaper.com, "Fighting For Fathers", Carla Parker, Feb. 8, 2018

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